10 Reasons Why Your Home Needs a Wood-Burning Stove Installation
As much as 21st century wood-burning stoves are as welcoming, cozy, and room-enhancing as they were back in the mid-1500s when they were first patented, they are also much safer, more user-friendly, and more versatile today than they’ve ever been. Some homeowners seek a wood-burning stove installation for their castle for purely practical reasons, while others opt for a wood burner mainly because of its unique aesthetic appeal.

1. A quality wood-burning stove is a powerful source of exceptional heat -- radiant heat, in fact.
Used for heating both indoor and outdoor areas, the technology of radiant heating is the process of transferring radiant energy emitting from a given source – like a wood-burning stove – to a confined, designated area. Instead of using conventional methods like a central heating system and multiple radiators in a room’s walls to heat all the air in a space, the energy given off by the wood stove itself can quickly and efficiently warm up people, pets, and objects in the room where the wood stove is situated. This is easily accomplished since a wood stove installation is able to radiate heat not only from all sides, but also from its top – thus emitting heat in all directions.
2. Airborne particles are diminished.
While a room that is heated via traditional, conventional heating through a vent system comes with its own set of benefits, it also comes with airborne particles. From dust particles, a pet’s hair, and lint, to mold or other allergens, the air blowing out of your rooms’ vents naturally blows both microscopic and observable particles with it. This can quickly become detrimental to the health and well-being of family members and visitors with allergies, as well as newborns and the seniors in your life. By embracing the technology of a radiant heating system via a wood-burning stove installation, the circulation of air inside the room is significantly decreased – thus, decreasing the spread of unwanted airborne particles.
3. Wood-burning stoves are aesthetically-appealing and conversation pieces.
When’s the last time you sat around a vent in your living room with family and friends and stared at it, saying “Isn’t this cozy?” Surely never! Just like no one ever walked into your family room and said, “Wow! That’s a stunning vent down there at the bottom of our wall!” A wood-burning stove installation is cool; they’re a unique item in a room that draws attention while providing comfort! They’re functional art!
4. Operating a wood-burning stove is free!
(Or, if you have to pay for the wood, it’s much less expensive than any other fuel!) The best wood to use for your stove is seasoned wood that’s been allowed to dry out for at least six months. If you try to use fresh, green, under seasoned wood, you’ll simply be wasting both your money and potential wood for future burning; plus, you’ll find that wood that has not been allowed to dry out completely still contains too much water and will create a lot of smoke. Moreover, you can choose hardwood or softwood to burn. Hardwoods from deciduous trees are dense, produce a hotter heat, and will burn longer. Softwoods are perfect for cool spring nights or crisp fall evenings because they produce a cooler, less-hot fire and are less dense.
5. Finding fuel for your wood-burning stove is easy.
If you don’t have a backyard filled with some fallen trees and don’t feel like hiking through your local woods to scrounge for, gather, and then process the wood on your own, you can easily pick up fireplace wood at nearby stores. Establishments like convenience stores, garden centers, wood suppliers, gas stations, and hardwood stores carry wood. You can, of course, also order your wood online and have it delivered to your home!
6. Operating a wood-burning stove is easy.
While your Wilson’s Cool Air professional will give you step-by-step directions, you’ll also want to keep the manufacturer’s operating directions nearby until using your new wood-burning stove installation becomes second nature. In a nutshell, you simply put in some kindling of small and dry pieces of wood to get the fire going, crumple up some pieces of newspaper and place them under the kindling, ignite the newspaper in a few places, then add the logs. Voila!
7. A wood-burning stove can fit (almost) anywhere!
As long as there is a way to run the stove’s vent pipe to the exterior of your home, a wood stove can be installed pretty much in whatever room you want! So, whether it’s your game room, your dining room, the master bedroom, or even your large en suite, you get to decide which spaces in your home you’d like to have a wood-burning stove installed. In fact, many homeowners opt to have a few wood-burning stoves strategically placed throughout their homes to decrease the use of a traditional central heating system.
8. Having a wood-burning stove in your home is fun, will make you feel free, and is good exercise!
Igniting a wood-burning stove and sitting around it to play a game of Chess, cuddle with your loved one, or rub your dog’s belly is a pleasant way to enjoy an evening. Those experiences in front of the stove trump simply clicking on the heater any day of the week! In addition, with every log you toss into your stove, you will feel a sense of independence from depending so much on the big energy suppliers. Further, even if you opt to drive (or walk) to the local store to get your supply of wood, the whole process of lifting, transporting, and using the wood for your stove is great exercise!
9. You’ll warm up just what needs warming up!
Wood stoves provide heating for specified spaces. By heating the space you are sitting in and enjoying for the afternoon or evening, you’re saving money by not having the central heating system on full for the rest of the whole house. Using wood as your source for heat costs less per British Thermal Unit (BTU) than oil, electricity, or even gas. You can save literally hundreds of dollars each year in your utility bill by investing in specified zone heating via a wood-burning stove.
10. If the electricity goes out, you still have heat (and a stove).
As each season’s unpredictable weather continues to soar through the great state of Texas, it’s not uncommon for areas to lose electricity. If you have wood-burning stoves in your home, however, you’ll not only still have a source of heat, but also a place to warm your coffee, soup, and other foods! Outages can be troubling if you’re not prepared, especially if they last longer than an hour. Having access to a heat source in your home 24/7 that is 100% self-contained can eliminate the anxiety that comes from worrying about having no electricity or gas.
For more information about getting a wood stove installed in your home by one of our certified technicians, contact Wilson’s Cool Air at (903) 473-2536.
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